Creating pollinator pit stops in your garden is a wonderful way to support and attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Here are some easy steps to help you create a pollinator-friendly garden:
1. Choose Native Plants: Select a variety of native plants that are attractive to pollinators. Native plants have evolved alongside local pollinators and provide them with the food they need. Some examples of native plants include lavender, foxgloves, honeysuckle, and wildflowers.

2. Provide a Variety of Blooms: Ensure that you have plants that bloom at different times throughout the year. This will provide a continuous source of nectar and pollen for pollinators. Include early spring flowers such as crocuses and primroses, as well as late summer blooms like sedums and asters.
3. Plant in Clumps: Group the same species of plants together in clumps rather than scattering them around the garden. This makes it easier for pollinators to find and access the flowers.

4. Create Shelter: Incorporate features like birdhouses, insect hotels, and rock piles to provide shelter and nesting sites for pollinators. These structures can mimic natural habitats and provide safe spaces for insects to rest and reproduce.
5. Avoid Pesticides: Minimize or eliminate the use of pesticides in your garden. Pesticides can be harmful to pollinators, so opt for natural pest control methods like companion planting, handpicking pests, or using organic insecticides if necessary.

6. Provide Water: Place shallow dishes or birdbaths filled with water in your garden to provide a water source for pollinators. Adding rocks or floating objects can help prevent drowning.
7. Consider Different Plant Heights: Include plants of varying heights, from ground covers to tall perennials and shrubs. This creates diverse microhabitats and allows pollinators to access flowers at different levels.

8. Maintain Blooming Plants: Regularly deadhead spent flowers to encourage continuous blooming. This will provide a consistent food source for pollinators throughout the growing season.
9. Educate and Share: Spread awareness about the importance of pollinators and encourage your friends, family, and neighbours to create their own pollinator-friendly gardens. Share your knowledge and experiences to inspire others to take action. (Ideally post on social media to achieve the biggest audience and tag Guildford in Bloom so we can share it)

Remember, creating a pollinator pit stop is an ongoing process. Be patient and observe the changes in your garden over time and enjoy the beauty and benefits that pollinators bring to your outdoor space.

Creating pollinator pitstops in your garden - supports our 2024 theme Wild About A Greener Guildford - lets make a real difference together.