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2024 Judging Criteria

To help with your entry into Guildford in Bloom you can see our judging criteria set out below.  Please note that the judges decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.


Allotment/Vegetable Garden

  • Health and vigour of plants; absence of pests and diseases; no/few weeds present; correct pruning and support of plants; size and quality of crop.

  • Good range for all year-round production of vegetables, fruit in season and possibly flowers.

  • Well planned layout relative to space. Include appropriate use of glasshouse, shed and hard landscape where appropriate.

  • Sustainability i.e. water butt, compost bin, mulches and companion planting.

  • Inclusion of plants that attract pollinators; e.g. bees and butterflies.

  • Use of companion planting and approach to pest and disease management, fertilising etc



Nature Champions

  • The site is being positively managed for Nature Conservation open to businesses, community groups, churches and public spaces.

  • Innovative ways of informing and educating the wider community

  • Overall impression and how the project contributes to the wider community

  • As part of the entry process we would like entrants to provide us with a brief outline describing their project; the objectives and the achievements.  This should be no more than 300 words and can include images.  Include information such as

    • What is your group objective? What was your starting point and what do you hope to achieve? What aspects of nature conservation are you addressing and why?

    • Do you have community involvement and engagement? Do you support other groups or organisations? What impact does this support have?

    • Tell us about the particular issues that you have encountered over the past year and how have these been dealt with?

    • Do you have access and accessibility for the local community?

    • How does your garden/project contribute to the wellbeing of the community?

    • How does your project improve the ecosystem services (soil, water and air quality, and pollination) of the site and contribute to climate change mitigation?

    • How does your project contribute to biodiversity enhancement (click here) and connectivity in your local area?

    • How are you dealing with the management of invasive species?

    • Do you avoid burning vegetation waste?

    • How do you approach nature conservation awareness in particular rare and endangered species?


Neighbourhood Project

  • How the garden contributes to the wellbeing of the community

  • Innovation and use of space

  • Climate change, environmental and wildlife - positive action

  • Additional features/overall impression

  • As part of the entry process, it would be helpful if you could provide us with a brief outline describing your project; the objectives and your achievements.

  • Interesting information might be -

    • What is your group objective? How has your project evolved over the last year?

    • How do you involve your community in your project? Do you work with or support other groups or organisations?

    • Tell us about the particular issues that you have encountered over the past year.

    • How does your garden/project contribute to the wellbeing of the community?

    • How does your project mitigate the effects of climate change, improve soil, water and air quality, enhance biodiversity and create connectivity with neighbouring areas of biodiversity? How to increase biodiversity in your garden - National Garden Scheme (

    • How do you approach nature conservation awareness?


Pub in Bloom

  • Quality/maintenance of plants: Health and vigour of plants; absence of pests and diseases; no/few weeds present; correct pruning and support of plants; deadheading etc.

  • Diversity of plants/all year-round interest; Range of plants that complement each other and provide interest throughout the year / Inclusion of plants that attract biodiversity (Click here) / inclusion of aspects of greening

  • Quality of design/use of space: Well planned design relative to space. Include appropriate use of hard landscape

  • Effective use of colour/texture/form: Does the garden/project/feature make an impact in a pleasing way

  • Sustainability: Use of mulches, drought resistant planting, approach to pest and disease management / wilding and connectivity with areas of biodiversity etc

  • Additional features/overall impression - has anything innovative been done to enhance the overall impression given.


Front Garden

  • Quality/maintenance of plants: Health and vigour of plants; absence of pests and diseases; no/few weeds present; correct pruning and support of plants; deadheading etc.

  • Diversity of plants/all year-round interest; Range of plants that complement each other and provide interest throughout the year / Inclusion of plants that attract biodiversity (click here) / inclusion of aspects of greening.

  • Quality of design/use of space: Well planned design relative to space. Include appropriate use of hard landscape

  • Good use of colour/texture/form: Does the garden/project/feature make an impact in a pleasing way

  • Sustainability: Use of mulches, drought resistant planting, approach to pest and disease management  / wilding and connectivity with areas of biodiversity etc

  • Additional features/overall impression: has anything innovative been done to enhance the overall impression given.


Container Garden

  • Quality/maintenance of plants: Health and vigour of plants; absence of pests and diseases; no/few weeds present; correct pruning and support of plants; deadheading etc.

  • Diversity of plants/all year-round interest; Range of plants that complement each other and provide interest throughout the year / Inclusion of plants that attract biodiversity (click here) / inclusion of aspects of greening

  • Quality of design/use of space: Well planned design relative to space. Use of containers that enhance the planting and situation.

  • Effective use of colour/texture/form: Does the garden/project/feature make an impact in a pleasing way

  • Overall Impression: Incorporating the above and the general look and feel of the site.


Best Garden for Wildlife

  • Use of space/design to encourage wildlife

  • Diversity/wildlife value of plants

  • Quality/care of plants

  • Year-round interest

  • Evidence of Wildlife: (1) Food (2) Shelter (3) Water features (4) organic management

  • Overall impression including sustainability ie water butt, composting, mulches, companion planting

    • What wildlife do you get in your garden and what new wildlife are you attracting?

    • Are you still developing your garden? What do you hope to achieve?

    • Tell us about the particular issues in relation to wildlife that you have encountered over the past year and how have they been dealt with?

    • What aspects of wildlife enhancement, biodiversity connectivity (click here), and climate change awareness do you focus on?


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