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Hedgehog Awareness Week

Hedgehogs are native to the UK and are one of the most recognisable wild mammals in the country.  However, urbanisation and changes in agricultural practices have led to a severe decline in hedgehog populations in the UK in recent years.

They are primarily nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active during the night and are known for their distinctive spiny coat, which serves as protection against predators.

Their diet mainly consists of insects, worms, slugs, and snails so they play a vital role in controlling insect populations, making them beneficial to gardeners and farmers. Hedgehogs hibernate during the winter months to conserve energy and survive harsh weather conditions.

They have a keen sense of smell and hearing, which helps them navigate their surroundings and locate food but are solitary animals and prefer to live alone, except during the breeding season.  Surprisingly they are excellent climbers and swimmers, despite their spiky appearance.

As such a threatened species they need our help and there are several ways you can help protect hedgehogs and support their conservation efforts:

Create a hedgehog-friendly garden: Provide a safe and welcoming environment for hedgehogs by leaving wild areas, providing shelter such as log piles or hedgehog houses, and avoiding the use of pesticides and chemicals in your garden.

Install hedgehog highways: Create small gaps or holes in fences and barriers to allow hedgehogs to move freely between gardens and find food and shelter.  Talk to your neighbours and encourage them to do the same so you can create a bigger space for the little hogs to wander.

Avoid using slug pellets: Hedgehogs often consume slugs and snails as part of their diet, so using slug pellets can harm them if ingested. Instead, consider using natural alternatives to control pests in your garden.

Check for hedgehogs before using garden equipment: Before mowing the lawn or using other garden machinery, check for hedgehogs hiding in bushes or undergrowth to avoid injuring them.

Provide food and water: Leaving out water and suitable food, such as meat-based cat or dog food, mealworms, or specially formulated hedgehog food, can help hedgehogs who are struggling to find enough food in the wild.

Support hedgehog rescue centres: If you come across a sick, injured, or orphaned hedgehog, contact a local wildlife rescue centre for assistance. They can provide the necessary care and support for the hedgehog's recovery.  The Surrey Wildlife Trust have an excellent list of rescue centres on their website


Spread awareness: Educate others about the importance of hedgehog conservation and the ways in which they can help protect these fascinating creatures in their own communities. You can start by sharing this blog on your social media.

By taking these steps and encouraging others to do the same, we can collectively work towards safeguarding hedgehog populations and ensuring their survival for future generations.


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