Guildford in Bloom 2025
Competition is now open for entries
With grateful thanks to our Premium Sponsors
Our 2025 Competition is now Open for Entries - with our 2025 theme Butterflies and Moths.
This year - we look forward to care for pollinators being a special feature of your garden.
List of Categories:
Best Front Garden - Sponsored by Sally Rule Property
Your garden must be visible to the public from the footpath. It will be judged on design, colour, quality of plants, and all year-round interest. Gardens will be divided into small or large category
Best Allotment & Vegetable/Kitchen Gardens - Sponsored by Guildford Allotment Society
We will be looking for a vegetable garden/plot that is productive, functional for growing food and that looks good! Allotments must be kept clean, free from weeds, well manured, and maintained in a good state of cultivation and fertility, with the main purpose being the production of food.
Best Garden for Wildlife - Sponsored by Surrey County Council's URBOA Project
Open to all gardens where the design, choice of plants and management is especially focused on and welcoming to a variety of wildlife.
Nature Champion - Sponsored by Clandon Wood Nature Reserve and Natural Burial Ground
This category is suited to larger areas of private or public land, businesses and community groups where the aim is to protect and conserve wildlife habitats and species population.
Best Pub, Restaurant or Business in Bloom
We are looking for a well-balanced design, good use of colour and quality planting.
Best Container Garden - Sponsored by Guildford Financial
Open to gardens that are based on pots and baskets. Must be visible to the public from the footpath.
Best Neighbourhood Project - Sponsored by Tunsgate Quarter
This category recognises projects that green up and enhance the local area or neighbourhood space. Gardens will include those organised by sheltered accommodation, village halls, residents' associations or groups, parish councils, voluntary groups, and charities etc. (Take a look at Guildford Beekeeper Association Free Talks for Groups)
St. Edward Best Balcony Garden - Sponsored by St Edward Homes
Together with our Sponsor St. Edward Homes this new category seeks to reward and encourage those who create beautiful spaces on their balconies – proving you don’t have to have a big garden to create pollinator pitstops and enjoy the natural wellbeing that growing can provide. Download a Balcony Category entry form here
Best Themed Garden Award – The Dorothy Walden Award - Sponsored by Cressive DX
This year our theme is Butterflies and Moths. The theme must be represented by the planting, with the aim of attracting more butterflies and moths. Gardens entered in all categories are eligible to enter the Best Themed Garden Award.
Young Gardener Award - Sponsored by University of Surrey
Awarded for entries from young people aged 11-21 years in full time education.
Best School in Bloom - Sponsored by Edwins Garden Centre
This year our theme is Butterflies and Moths – With the aim of encouraging more Butterflies and Moths to Guildford’s gardens. To enter your School or to find out more - click here

Important Information:
To find out more about each category - read our Judging Criteria
This link may well help you: How to increase biodiversity in your garden - National Garden Scheme (
Competition Rules:
The Guildford in Bloom Gardening Competition is open to all borough residents, schools, community groups and businesses – anyone who loves gardening and wants to help make Guildford and our surrounding villages even more beautiful places to live, work and visit.
Entries must be received by Sunday 22 June 2025; simply choose a category, let us know if you are a young gardener, choose to theme or not to theme, you can enter only one category per site/address;
You can enter online here: or email if you require form emailed or posted to you.
Judging takes place between 28 June to 13 July 2025; it is not possible to advise individual entrants of the exact day and time of judging (with the exception of Kitchen Gardens, Wildlife Gardens, Nature Champion and Neighbourhood Project categories); Read full Judging Criteria here
Judges will not be available to discuss individual entries; the judges' decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into, before, during or after judging.
Winners will be notified by email and invited to the Awards Show which takes place in September 2025;
A list of winners will be published on our website; photographs of your garden may be used for marketing purposes. Full details of the Awards Event will be announced in due course.
If you have a friend, neighbour, family member, local school or pub with a beautiful garden, you are welcome to nominate them. We will need the address nominated as well as the nominee and we always advise that you let them know.
Special Awards:
Younger gardeners and students in full time education will receive special recognition for entering. There will also be a special award for the best “Butterflies and Moths” themed garden / allotment. Let us know if you are a young gardener and/or theming your garden.
School Gardening Competition:
The School Gardening Competition runs alongside the main competition. The theme is “Butterflies and Moths”, and the closing date is 24 May 2025. Schools should register their entry by email at
You can also see details of previous winners on our Blooming Past page
You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for regular updates, news and gardening tips.
We are eternally grateful to all our Sponsors who make this Competition possible - if you are interested in becoming a sponsor you can find out more here: Sponsors Page
Premium Sponsors:
St Edward Homes
Unigold 2000 Ltd
Major Sponsors:
Tunsgate Quarter
Experience Guildford
University of Surrey
Partners: BBC Radio Surrey
Category Sponsors: Sally Rule Consultancy, Guildford Financial, Clandon Wood Nature Reserve and Natural Burial Ground, Cressive DX, Guildford Pub Watch, Edwin’s Garden Centre, Guildford Allotment Society
Diary Dates:
24 May 2025 Best School in Bloom entry deadline
7 June 2025 Blooming Picnic in Guildford Castle Grounds
4-20 June 2025 School Gardening Competition Judging
22 June 2025 Guildford in Bloom Competition entry deadline
1 July 2025 School in Bloom Awards
28 June to 13 July 2025 Guildford in Bloom Competition Judging
September (date tba) Guildford in Bloom Competition Awards Ceremony