It is widely accepted that all insects are in decline globally, which includes the many wild bee species in the UK as well as the managed honeybees. There are many reasons for this decline including climate change, overuse of chemicals such as pesticides and habitat loss. As beekeepers, GBKA tries to highlight the unique environmental pressures that insects face in modern rural and urban settings. We aim to emphasise the importance of habitat conservation for all our pollinators, not just honeybees and we try to create an understanding of how our bees fit in with the wider ecosystems and how we can help them. on an individual level in our gardens.
Since 1920 the aim of Guildford Beekeepers’ Association is to support the craft of beekeeping as well as to raise awareness about the environmental and economic importance of bees and biodiversity in Surrey.

We do this by running structured training courses each year for new and aspiring beekeepers at the Teaching Apiary at Birtley. The training for novices is divided into two parts; a weekly theory programme, which happens during the winter months and a practical, hands-on, hive management training programme during the summer beekeeping season which begins in April.

Beekeeping is a fascinating hobby and trainees initially learn the basics so that they can manage bees with confidence. We aim to create conditions where our members can become proficient and responsible beekeepers whilst enjoying each other’s company and sharing knowledge in the process.

We also give talks to schools and organisations to raise awareness of the plight of all pollinators and attend local fetes and fairs (usually with live bees) to show how amazing these little creatures are and how the future of our planet relies on us looking after them.

Further information from our website www.guildfordbeekeepers.org.uk
Or email: info@guildfordbeekeepers.org.uk

Guildford Beekeepers Association are a registered charity (No. 1026386). Contact them directly for courses, talks, school visits and swarm collection.

Guildford Beekeepers very kindly gave a talk to the schools at our Schools Awards in July 2022 and donated a class visit to the overall winning school.