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2023 Guildford in Bloom Best in Competition Winners
Peter and Min Martin
Watts Gallery
Joint Best Wildlife Garden
Impressed by the Tribute wall created by volunteers of crown and insects created from home grown willow and found garden materials.An outstanding environment including woodland, hedging, meadow, orchard, pond, annual planting and containers, perennial beds and educational displays all integrated into the surrounding countryside.
Best Container Garden
Michael and Doreen Boxall
Outstanding! Well themed and so impressive – a blast of colour in the road.
Best Front Garden
Susan Clutterbuck
Stunning garden visually – a real wow! A garden you want to sit in and enjoy.
Best Site for Nature Conservation
Clandon Wood Nature Reserve
The ethos of nature conservation is embraced by all in the organisation and clearly manifest in results on the ground.
Best Neighbourhood Project
HMP Send Horticulture and Waste Department
The quality and variety of planting is exceptional – from fruit and vegetable in polytunnels to ornamental gardens. Wildlife is key across the board and those tending the garden are able to learn skills and provide a beautiful and tranquil place to sit and reflect and to meet with visitors.
Best Pub in Bloom
From the shady car park where nooks and crannies provide an abundance of wildlife interest of plants and insects customers walk through an inviting arch into a colourful garden where perennial borders are alive with bees and birds, with hanging baskets and a pretty living wall enlivening the seating areas. All beautifully cared for!
Rosamund Community Garden
Joint Best Wildlife Garden
Inspiring garden managed by a team of volunteers. They constantly push the boundaries of gardening in a eco sensitive way. They monitor and actively manage a large chalk down land meadow to keep at bay invasive species and protect a wild orchid population. In addition the outreach work that they are engaged in is commendable.
For details of ALL the winners in all categorys
Click Here
Peter and Min Martin
Best Allotment
If you want to see a plot with every inch packed full with fruit, flowers and vegetables of many varieties, look no further than this year's winner. This was especially good to see as the season has not been the easiest and the plot is on a slope making watering more difficult. Truely a pleasure to judge
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