Get Gardening into Guildford Schools
All you need to know before entering Guildford Schools in Bloom 2023
Join Guildford in Bloom's Schools Team for this informative session aimed at giving teachers and TA's all the information needed to successfully enter Guildford Schools in Bloom 2023
Date: 6 February 2023 - 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Venue: Edwins Garden Centre, Clandon Park, Guildford, GU4 7RQ
Tickets: £25 per person
Event Programme:
4.30pm - Refreshments and welcome
5pm - programme starts - questions welcome at the end of each topic
Lee Wong - Edwins Garden Centre - the provider of all your gardening needs
Diana Roberts - Guildford in Bloom - compiling your wish list - engaging parents and getting sponsors
Mike Beckwith - Guildford in Bloom - Plant choice and care - advice on the best plants for quick results that make sure your garden looks its best at judging time and engages the children.
Lizzie Foster - Team Wilder Engagement Officer at Surrey Wildlife Trust - How schools can be havens for wildlife
Jackie Roberts - Teacher - retired from a previous competition winning school. Jackie is keen to inspire all teaching staff and children to have a love of gardening. Jackie will talk about incorporating gardening into the curriculum.
Shirley and Caroline - Guildford in Bloom - our 2023 Theme and how to enter
A Teachers Pack with full details of the presentations will be provided
Refreshments included.
Get your tickets now as spaces are limited.